Pre-conference lectures
We will start the conference with four lectures to set the stage for the rest of the conference by introducing some basics. Registration is for the combination of the lectures (including lunch).

Reaching Hard-to-Reach Populations & Achieving High Measurement Quality: Insights from Survey Methodology – Katharina Meitinger
Researchers working with hard-to-reach populations are often faced with the challenge of small sample sizes. Each participant in this setting is precious. On the one hand, sampling and contact strategies should be optimal to reach as many participants as possible. On the other hand, the measurement instrument (e.g., the questionnaire) should be thoroughly developed to…
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Single-case experimental designs: Studying treatment effectiveness and mediators of treatment outcomes – Marija Maric
Single-case experimental designs (SCEDs) are extremely useful to investigate intervention impact on individual clients’ functioning, and working mechanisms of change. In this talk: (i) definition and basic characteristics of SCEDs are provided; (ii) statistical mediation analysis is placed in a single-case context; and (iii) examples of intervention and mediator research are provided using real-life clinical…
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SEM with small samples in Lavaan: problems and solutions – Yves Rosseel
In this lecture, there will be two parts. In the first part, I will give an overview of issues that arise if small sample sizes are used in SEM: non-convergence, non-admissible solutions, biased estimates, and poor quality of standard errors and fit measures. In the second part, I will discuss several old and recent solutions…
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A Gentle Introduction to Bayesian Statistics – Rens van de Schoot
Many of the solutions to deal with small sample sizes rely on Bayesian statistics. However, as of now Bayesian methods are not a part of the statistics curricula in most graduate programs. During this lecture, participants will be gently introduced to Bayesian statistics using many empirical examples. I will clarify the differences between the philosophies…
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