S4 conference


How to analyze data for a Single Case Experimental Design (N=13 families)? – Annemariek Sepers

The Resolutions Approach (RA) is a multidisciplinary intervention to stop and prevent future child abuse. Question: How to analyze data on the effectiveness when there are missing data in general and/or in the baseline phase?

Study characteristics: SCED, baseline-phase followed by treatment-phase. Participants:13 families (29 individuals). Five Measurements moments: incidents of child abuse and child’s emotional and behavioural problems, parental stress, closeness of child-parent relationship. Personalised assessments of the main family problems and openness of communication about child abuse, are done on a weekly base. At post-treatment, families were interviewed. During social network meetings, safety is assessed on a VAS-scale.

Annemariek Sepers
ARQ National Psychotrauma Center