Call for abstracts
Announcement: Considering the COVID-19 situation, the S4 conference will be postponed to June 7-10, 2021 -> you can still submit presentations/posters
S4 is an interdisciplinary conference open to all researchers working with small samples: from researchers in the social, behavioural, and medical sciences who encounter small samples in their work, to statisticians and methodologists who develop and evaluate methods for small sample research. One of the conference goals is to encourage a dialogue between researchers who are struggling to answer their research questions because they have small samples and methodologists and statisticians who develop methods for small sample research. Researchers who would like to contribute to this dialogue are happily invited to submit a presentation. The conference will feature two types of presentations: posters and talks.
The roles of posters and talks in this conference will be slightly different than usual:
More information about submitting a Poster
We invite participants who are attending the conference to find a solution to their small sample problem to present their research question in a poster, i.e., the title of the poster should contain the question they have for methodologists in the audience, and the content of the poster should consist of a clear explanation of their research questions and the issues they encountered in their statistical analysis due to the sample size being small.
Applications for presenting a poster will be reviewed by the scientific committee on a rolling basis until the quota is reached (or until the first day of the conference). You will receive an answer within two weeks and if your application is accepted it will only be final after registration for the conference.
Applicants who wish to present a poster should use the poster abstract template and send their application to
More information about submitting a Talk
We invite participants to submit a talk which should be centered around a statistical and/or methodological solution to a small samples issue. In addition, we welcome contributions from survey methodologists who work on issues related to small samples.
There are two important rules for the presentation: (1) no slides with equations are allowed, and (2) 50% of your time should be spend on answering questions from the audience.
Applications for giving a talk will be reviewed by the scientific committee on a rolling basis until December 15. You will receive an answer within two weeks and if your application is accepted it will only be final after registration for the conference. Presenters can indicate a preferred length of their presentation, ranging from 20 for an individual presentation up to 60 minutes for a symposium with several related presentations. Applicants who wish to give a talk should use the talk abstract template and send their application to
PhD students presenting a talk or a poster are automatically considered for a Young Researcher Award for the best talk by PhD-student. The recipients of the awards will be reimbursed for their conference registration fee and the costs of attending the conference dinner.